Confronting the Shadows: Addressing Staff Bullying in Schools

Staff bullying staff can be addressed with informed strategies In the nurturing halls of our schools, where we foster growth and community, a less-spoken of reality often lurks – staff bullying staff. This phenomenon, though uncomfortable to acknowledge, is a critical issue that undermines the very foundation of our educational values. Addressing this requires a […]

Have Schools and Teachers Lost Control in the Classroom?

Policymakers, administrators, and teachers should work together to develop comprehensive strategies and initiatives that promote positive behaviour. While there has been abundant media and social media discussion about the topic of late, it would be inaccurate to make a blanket statement that schools have lost control of student behaviour in classrooms and that there is […]

Reducing Teacher Anxiety in Schools

A principal can do a lot to reduce the amount of stress staff experience at school. Effective school leadership aids and supports reducing teacher anxiety in schools. It isn’t quite this simple, I know, but coupled with building resilience in teachers, a culture of high-quality communications with clarity and transparency, valuing teachers’ work and adding […]

Managing Staff Conflict

If there is conflict between staff members it will be left to the principal to come to a solution, first of all slow it down, and meet with the combatants face to face. As I reflect on over twenty years as a principal in four schools, staff matters consumed a significant amount of time and […]

A Roadmap to Resolution: 10 Strategies for Successfully Managing Staff Conflict

As I reflect on over twenty years as a principal in four schools, staff matters consumed a significant amount of time and effort and at times nearly caused major grief. Staff relationships, performance, managing conflict, ensuring engagement and alignment with the school’s values are some of the areas that consumed my energy. If there is […]

Relationships, rather than authority or superiority, are at the heart of leadership.

A principal fosters connections, trust and collaboration between all groups within a school community. In this way, people work for each other. The principal ruthlessly protects people, encouraging connection, collaboration and collective ownership, nurturing a safe environment of trust, respect and family. He recognises leadership wherever it occurs; it is not restricted to a single […]